Fresh Face Gossip was given this sneak peak photo from the new stardoll movie The First Ambush, starring Elite-Girl. The movie has just begun filming a few weeks ago, meaning it could be half a year or more before advertisements start running on Stardollian's television screens. "This movie has everything: Suspense, Action, Romance," says Linda, and "it has lots of sand", she says with a wink. Fresh Face wonders what that could mean? Perhaps a beach or island setting? "It's going to be the perfect summer movie." says producer EliteNews. Fresh Face can't wait!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Patrick and Lindsey Hit the Gym
Friends Devie44 and LoveGossip4Ever may be busy with all their successful projects, but they still find time to stay fit. "Lots of stardoll celebrities have so many projects piled that they don't have time for fitness" Lindsey tells Fresh Face, "And the way they get slim is by going on unhealthy diets or eating disorders. Me and Pat want to look good the healthy way: with a balanced diet and lots of gym time!"
Kim Is New Owner of LE!
In the midst of xxLovexx's divorce drama with her ex-hubby, he may have gotten the house, but she scored ownership of the Limited Edition shops all across the world! While her ex was the founder and still remains the head designer, she now claims ownership. "Never knew that I'd get something good out of a divorce" says Kim to Fresh Face. Fresh Face thinks (and hopes!) that with Kim on board, the Limited Edition stores will get even better, instead of taking a turn for the worse.
Marcela Opens Hat Boutique
Famous stardoll designer .Marcela.. recently opened a new hat boutique in Dollywood. "Hats are all the new rage! They add spice to any outfit." she told Fresh Face. All the hats she had in stock yesterday were sold out, and the cash register line was miles long! "I knew it'd be popular, but I didn't know just how many customers I would have. It's been a week and I already have thoughts about opening another Hat Boutique in New Star City." Since Fresh Face headquarters are in New Star City, this is definitely an exciting possibility.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Henna Spotted With New Boyfriend
Gabby1822 was spotted on her private property in Jamaica with her new boyfriend. "He's absolutely amazing," she gushed to Fresh Face,"and I know this is something that will last." We're glad to hear it, Henna!
And on other news, Henna decided in with natural and out with Rihanna hair. We were sad to see the red hair go so fast, but we love both colors on her.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Brit-On-Me's Hit New Gallery
Brit-On-Me recently opened a new gallery in New Star City. The after-party of the grand opening was a hit, and big faces like N1mka4eva, Elite-Girl and Wooldoor came to admire his beautiful work. The focus of the exhibit was a piece he called 'Her Reflection'. "It was inspired by one of my best friends. Who? Not telling." was what he said when asked for what inspired it.
Gabby1822 Pulls a Rihanna
Model Gabby1822 was recently seen strutting bright red tresses. A source revealed to Fresh Face that Henna was inspired by singer Rihanna and wanted a new look to add an edge to her model applications for this Fall Fashion Week. Well, Fresh Face definitely loves the new look and wish Henna the best with her new 'do.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Models Host Charity Fundraiser
Stardoll supermodels BlingJane, .Naima, JuciiMami827 and Jelizaveta123 recently hosted and funded a charity fundraiser runway show. Each showcased her own style in their beautiful outfits.SDNOH8 founder Gillian was rumored to be the one in charge. Fresh Face Gossip loves seeing stardoll celebrities give back to those in need!
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